Make your own bird feeder is a perfect alternative to buying one from the store, and much more fun. Bird feeders are DIY projects that are easy for adult children and to enjoy making with children. In addition, the handmade feeder will be attractive to birds like anything you can buy, but it's much cheaper.
Feeders that are easy to make bird feeders must bring you a little time and some materials that are easily found that you might have at home.
Basic hanging platform feeder
Every old dish, metal servings plate or even plastic plate can be converted into a hammock bird feeder, provided you can attach a side hook to hang it. Some people even knit holders, very similar to what you will use to hang pots. This will make horizontal dishes even if the birds land unevenly.
Use Lego Pieces for Colorful Bird Feeders
There are several things that cannot be made using Plastic Lego pieces, fortunately bird feeders not only from them. Weatherproof plastic and bright colors appeal to many types of birds.
You can use Lego pieces to make whatever shape you want, but the most easy to use is a platform feeder, or a more advanced version of the "Tower" landing platform. Leave space in the middle to be filled with seeds, and tailer the size of feeder to the type of bird you want to pull.
Milk cartoons can be a great hopper feeder
High milk cartoon makes a perfect hanging bird feeder, but you might want to take it in wet weather. After washing and rinsing the milk cartoon empty, make a hole at the top to attach the hook, so you can hang it. Create a box opening near the bottom so that birds can access the seeds placed in the milk cartoon.
Bird feeders from blank cans
If you remove the upper part of the cans and hang it horizontally, the bird will be happy to use it as a bird feeder. The key is to hang it so the seed doesn't fall from it, even when the bird lands at the opening. Use a strong thread and tie on both sides of the can, make sure it is slightly tilted from the opening so that the bird's food does not fall to the ground.
Mailing tube feeder
Do you have a reserve document tube at home? Transparent plastic makes a durable, cheap and cheerful tube feeder. All you need is a plastic tube, several loli ice sticks and a pair of scissors.
You need to cut some small holes on the side, so you can put loli ice sticks through the tube. They will act as a mini-platform, and gravity will present the seeds stored in a plastic tube to the birds when they land.
If you feel inspired, you can easily decorate the tube using a washi or paint ribbon, but make sure you can see how many seeds are left inside. This is the perfect project for plastic tubes that come with tennis balls, for example.
Homemade bird feeders are an easy way to attract birds to your backyard. To attract certain birds, be sure to research the type of food they like and hang your feeder in a suitable location in your garden.